BudSugar – Shudup Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: B – F# (1 octave + 8 half tones) – find your voice range here
BShudup, Bshudup! E You shoulBd up ya silence! B B E B
BYou are the Bbreed of Efiend keeping Bus dividBed! B E B
BShudup, Bshudup! E You shoulBd up ya silence! B B E B
BYou are the Bbreed of Efiend keeping Bus dividBed! B E B
B B E B x2
A|----2-------2-------4---4--2-| E|---------------------------2-| C|-1/3-----1/3--3--3/4--4----3-| G|---------------------------4-|
BThink first thing in the morning and Eagain last that Bnight
BFell the idea dawning, your bEehavior ain’t alBright.
Why don’t you Bturn on the lights are you not so bright,
if we Ebicker and fight there’s no future in Bsite!
BDon’t be a fool, don’t be disgraced, you’re beEtter of just shButting your face!
BMe and you may never be mates cos ya sEpreading bad vibes all Bover the place!
BYou and me could be best of friends, til’ ya Eopen ya mouth and start Btalking again, so..
BShudup, Bshudup! E You shoulBd up ya silence! B B E B
BYou are the Bbreed of Efiend keeping Bus dividBed! B E B
BShudup, Bshudup! E You shoulBd up ya silence! B B E B
BYou are the Bbreed of Efiend keeping Bus dividBed! B E B
The old Bfashioned ways of your dogs are done,E
These idBeas don’t belong!
We Bhope someday it might dawn upon,
We Ehope and prey it won’t Btake too long!
BIt’s oh so clear that ya mindsets wrong,B
Quit it and we’ll Ball get along!
BWhy is ya negativity so strong?E
Think ya need to Blick on the bong!
B EAnd have another Blick on the bong
Til’ ya Bblissed listeining to my song,
Don’t resist what Elittle wisdom exist in Bme systems!
So Bspeak up speak up, you should get beEhind this!B
BThese are the breed of fiends tryna’ live in Eblindness, B
BKeeping us devided…………..E…………………..B
The Bway things are seem to suit ya!
EIf you were a song I’d Bmute ya.
…So Bshudup, shudup, you should up ya Esilence…B
Byou are the breed of F#fiend keeping us diEvided…
Keeping us divBided! E B
A|-----------------------| E|------------7-7-6-4----| C|--3-6-6-3-----------6--| G|-----------------------|
I tell ’em Bshudup shudup, you man der Eacting all Bwavy
BThis silence nothing to bliff,
That Etone will never Bphase me
BI delve in if it’s touching my gut
Epeople be fucking it Bup
BThis loud is causing a fuss
EMy high is all BI can trust
BAnd I can feel this disgust
AEbandon it all in Ba rush
BI know you feel, I know you Ethink it, It’s Bnot just me
BDeserted in my own Emind oh I mBight just be
BIt’s coming to a cliEmax now their reBciting me
BShudup, Bshudup! E You shoulBd up ya silence!
B You man der Eacting all Bwavy
BYou are the Bbreed of Efiend keeping Bus dividBed!
B That Etone will never Bphase me
BShudup, Bshudup! E You shoulBd up ya silence!
B You man der Eacting all Bwavy
BYou are the Bbreed of Efiend keeping Bus dividBed!
B That Etone will never Bphase me
BShudup, Shudup! E B B B E B
BShudup, Shudup! E B B B E B
BShudup, Shudup! E B B B E B
BShudup, Shudup! E B B B E B
A|-6--7--6--4----| E|-------------7-| C|---------------| G|---------------|