Arctic Monkeys – 505 Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: A – A (2 octaves + 1 half tone) – how to use this?
Intro: Dm Em Dm Em
I’m going Dmback to 505
If it’s a Em7 hour flight or a 4Dm5 minute drive
In Emmy imagination you’re waiting Dmlying on your side
With your Emhands between your thighs Dm Em
DmStop and wait a sec
Oh when you Emlook at me like that my darling
DmWhat did you expect
I probEmably still adore you with your Dmhands around my neck
Or I dEmid last time I checked Dm Em
DmNot shy of a spark
A Emknife twists at the thought that I should Dmfall short of the mark
EmFrightened by the bite though its no Dmharsher than the bark
EmMiddle of adventure, such a Dmperfect place to start Em
I’m going Dmback to 505
If it’s a Em7 hour flight or a 4Dm5 minute drive
In Emmy imagination you’re waiting Dmlying on your side
With your Emhands between your thighs Dm Em
Dm Em
*valid only in the key of Am
But I crumble compDmletely when you cry
It sEmeems like once again you’ve had to gDmreet me with goodbye
I’m aEmlways just about to go and sDmpoil a surprise
Take my hEmands off of your eyes too sooDmn Em
I’m going Dmback to 505
If it’s a Em7 hour flight or a 4Dm5 minute drive
In Emmy imagination you’re waiting Dmlying on your side
With your Emhands between your thighs … and a Dmsmile Em
Dm Em
*valid only in the key of Am