Adele – When We Were Young Ukulele Chords

When We Were Young Ukulele Chords
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The chords are easier in the key of G or C


Voice Range: D#D# (2 octave + 1 half tones) – find your voice range here


Cm,   Gm,   G#,   Gm
Fm,             D#


CmEverybody loGmves the things you G#do     D#
From the way you Fmtalk to the way you mD#ove
CmEverybody hGmere is watcG#hing you  D#
‘Cause you feel like Fmhome
You’re like a dream cD#ome true


CmBut if by chGmance you’re here alG#one   D#
Can I have a mFmoment before I gD#o?
Cm‘Cause I’ve been by mGmyself all night lG#ong      D#
Hoping you’re soFmmeone I used to knA#ow


You look like a mG#ovie    A#
You sound like a Gmsong    G#
My God, this reG#minds me   A#
Of when we were yoGmung    A#


Let me phD#otograph you iGmn this light
In caG#se it is the lasA#t time
That we mD#ight be exacGmtly like we weG#re
Before we reaA#lized
We were Cmsad of getting D#old
It made us rG#estless   G#m
It was just like a mFmovie    G#
It was just like a sA#ong


CmI was so scGmared to face my fG#ears    D#
Nobody Fmtold me that you’d be D#here
CmAnd I swear yoGmu moved overG#seas    D#
That’s what Fmyou said, when you left D#me


You still look like a mG#ovie    A#
You still sound like a soGmng    G#
My God, this reG#minds me   A#
Of when we were yoGmung    A#


Let me phD#otograph you iGmn this light
In caG#se it is the lasA#t time
That we mD#ight be exacGmtly like we weG#re
Before we reaA#lized
We were Cmsad of getting D#old
It made us rG#estless   G#m
It was just like a mFmovie    G#
It was just like a sA#ong


When wCme were young     D#
When wG#e were young     D#
When wCme were young     D#
When wG#e were young     D#


It’s Cmhard to adD#mit that
EvG#erything just takeD#s me back
To when yFmou were there  D#
To when A#you were there  A#
And a pCmart of me keeps hD#olding on
JuG#st in case it hasD#n’t gone
I guess FmI still care
Do yA#ou still care?


It was just like a moG#vie    A#
It was just like a sGmong     G#
My God, this remG#inds me   A#
Of when we were yoGmung     A#


When wD#e were young    Gm
When wG#e were young    A#
When wD#e were young    Gm
When wG#e were young    A#


Let me pD#hotograph you inGm this light
In cG#ase it is the laA#st time
That we D#might be exaGmctly like we wG#ere
Before we reaA#lized
We were Cmsad of getting D#old
It made us reG#stless    A#
Oh I’m so Cmmad I’m getting D#old
It makes me reG#ckless    G#m
It was just like a mFmovie    G#
It was just like a sA#ong    Gm
When we were yD#oung


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