Killer Queen Ukulele Chords

Queen – Killer Queen Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: DA# (1 Octave + 9 half tones) – how to use this?


She keeps MCmoët et Chandon A#7in her pretty cabinet
Cm‘Let them eat cake,’ she says A#7just like Marie AD#ntoinette
A D#built-in rGmemedy for KD#7hrushchev and KeG#nnedy
At G#manytime an iD#nvitation, yoG#u can’t declA#7ine


G7Caviar and Cmcigarettes
A#Well versed in D#etiquette
ExtraD7ordinarily Gmnice. SF7he’s a…


A#Killer QuDmeen, guGmnpowder, gDmelatine
GmDynamite with a A7laser Dmbeam
G7GuaranG7sus4teed    to    G7blow your Cmind… A#Anytime


ARecommended Dmat the price
G7Insatiable an aCppetite
WaA#nna try?   F        D#           F         D#


To aCmvoid complications, she A#7never kept the same address
CmIn conversation, she A#7spoke just like a bD#aroness
D#Met a man from CGmhina, went D#7down to Geisha MiG#nah
Then aG#mgain inciD#dentally, If you’re thG#at way incliA#7ned


Perfume came G7naturally from CmParis
For A#cars she couldn’t D#care less
FastD7idious and prGmecise,   F7She’s a…


A#Killer QuDmeen, guGmnpowder, gDmelatine
GmDynamite with a A7laser Dmbeam
G7GuaranG7sus4teed    to    G7blow your Cmind… A#Anytime



|A   Dm  |A   Dm  |G7  Cm  |G7  Cm F7|
|F7      |F7      |F7      |

|Cm      |A#7     |Cm      |A#7 D#  |
|D#  Gm  |D#7 G#  |G#m D#  |G#  A#7     |
|D#      |A#7     |


Drop of a G7hat she’s as Cmwilling as, G7playful as a Cmpussy cat
Then A#momentarily D#out of action, A#temporarily ouD#t of gas
To D7absolutely dGmrive         Fyou
A#Wi  –  Fld,    A#mWi  –  lFd, She’s out to get you! F7She’s a…


A#Killer QuDmeen, guGmnpowder, gDmelatine
GmDynamite with a A7laser Dmbeam
G7GuaranG7sus4teed    to    G7blow your Cmind… A#Anytime


ARecommended Dmat the price
G7Insatiable an aCppetite
WaA#nna try?   F        D#         D#           F         D#


Outro:    D#