Natural Mystic Ukulele Chords

Bob Marley – Natural Mystic Ukulele Chords

Voice Range: EG (1 octave + 4 half tone) – how to use this?


Intro:    Am


There’s a Dmnatural mystic Gblowing through the Amair        Am
If you Dmlisten carefuGlly now you will Amhear.        Am


This could Dmbe the first Amtrumpet, might as Dmwell be the Amlast:
Many Dmmore will have to Amsuffer
Many Dmmore will Ghave to Amdie – don’t Gask me Amwhy.        Am


DmThings are not the Gway they used to Ambe
AmI won’t tell no Amlie        Am
One and Dmall have to Gface realiAmty now.      Am


‘Though I’ve Dmtried to find the Amanswer to Dmall the questions they Amask.
‘Though I Dmknow it’s imAmpossible to goDm livin’  Gthrough the Ampast –
Don’t Gtell no Amlie.        Am


There’s a Dmnatural mystic Gblowing through the Amair –
AmCan’t keep them dAmown –         Am
If you Dmlisten carefuGlly now you will Amhear.      Am


Am    There’s a natural Ammystic
AmBlowing through the Amair.        Am        Am        Am        Am


This could Dmbe the first Amtrumpet, might as Dmwell be the Amlast:
Many Dmmore will have to Amsuffer
Many Dmmore will Ghave to Amdie – don’t Gask me Amwhy.        Am


There’s a Dmnatural mystic Gblowing through the Amair
AmI won’t tell no Amlie        Am
If you Dmlisten carefuGlly now you will Amhear.        Am
There’s a Dmnatural mystic Gblowing through the Amair


AmSuch a natural Ammystic      Amblowing through Amthe air
AmThere’s a natural Ammystic      Amblowing through the Amair
AmSuch a natural Ammystic      Amblowing through Amthe air
AmSuch a natural Ammystic      Amblowing through Amthe air
AmSuch a natural Ammystic      Amblowing through Amthe air